Monday, March 7, 2011

Just In From the Desert

Um... a lot of runs.  The final was 16 all.  Seriously, is it 1937?  Are we playing football?  Supposedly, there was some wind.

Mitch Talbot (27.00 ERA) lasted just 5 outs while giving up NINE earned runs.  To qualify just how awful the start was, Talbot was roughed up for 6 hits and 2 walks, that is 8 baserunners, and let 9 of them score.  No HBP, no error.  Wow.

Several other irrelevant relievers contributed to the shellacking, but Vinnie Pestano was not one of them.  Vin continued an impressive spring with a perfect 9th that featured a K.

Much more good news from the bats, where virtually everyone had a good day.

Utility OF Battle: Ezeqiuel Carreras (.364) got on base 5 times (3 hits, 2 walks) and scored a pair (+1 RBI).  Shelley Duncan (.375) doubled twice and scored both times.  Nick Weglarz (.286)?  If he puts up a few more like Monday, he warrants consideration.  Nick jacked his first tater of the spring, added a double and drove in 3.

Who Wants Third?:  Luis Valbuena (.188) was the offensive star after getting the start at the hot corner.  Louie hit two long balls, drew a walk, scored 3 and drove in 5.  Jayson Nix (.100) doubled for his first hit and also took a walk.  Jason Donald reports that the swelling has gone down on his hand, but I would not expect him in the lineup for a couple of more days.

Most dissapointing in a game like this was the production of two men that are supposed to be big run producers come April.  Travis Hafner (.313) did single twice and drive in a run, but he stranded 4.  Manny Acta has gone on record stating that Hafner will not be an everyday player and that everyone should be ready for a few games at DH.  Worse today than Pronk was Matt LaPorta (.174), who managed just an RBI one-bagger in 4 trips and left 5 on base.

Expect Carlos Santana to start at 1B on Wednesday.

Pitchers for 03.08: Fausto Carmona (starter), Justin Germano, Josh Judy, Corey Kluber, Tony Sipp, Bryce Stowell and Alex White.